Pea Shooter Smoking Rings, Fun DIY with Paper Cups

Let’s prepare a clean paper cup and some colored markers. Draw a cute pea shooter on the paper cup and don’t forget to paint it with bright colors! To make it more lively, carefully poke a small hole in the pea’s mouth. This little hole will be our secret passage for releasing smoke rings😉.

from [兜爸亲子游戏]

🔥Test different materials to find the best smoke source!

Next, let’s conduct an interesting experiment. Prepare lit paper balls, mugwort sticks, incense cakes, and mosquito coils as different smoke sources. Light these materials one by one in a plate and observe the smoke effects they produce. You will find that different materials produce smoke of different colors and concentrations!

💨Create smoke bubbles and bring the pea shooter to life!

Choose the material that produces the best smoke effect, light it, and put it into the paper cup. Cover the cup and wait for about 5 seconds to allow enough smoke to accumulate inside. Then, gently press the small hole at the top of the paper cup with your finger, and look! A perfect smoke ring comes out from the pea shooter’s mouth! This process is not only fun but also allows you to experience the charm of science✨.

💡Time to reveal the scientific principles!

Why can we blow smoke rings through a paper cup? This is because when the smoke accumulates inside the cup, a quick press of the finger creates a brief airflow, pushing the smoke to form a vortex. This vortex is the smoke ring we see!

from [兜爸亲子游戏]

🌈Give it a try! Share your creative works~

Now it’s your turn! Try using different materials and colors to see what kind of smoke ring effects you can create. Remember to take photos or videos and share them! We look forward to seeing your works and creative play!

Pea shooter, DIY,Smoke ring project, creative smoke rings, DIY pea shooter


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